
Rabu, 24 November 2010

Pemasangan Kabel

Ada beberapa cara dalam pemasangan kabel jaringan, yaitu :

1. Straight Through Cable

biasanya digunakan untuk menghubungkan beberapa unit komputer melalui perantara HUB / Switch yang berfungsi sebagai konsentrator maupun repeater.
Penggunaan kabel UTP model straight through pada jaringan lokal biasanya akan membentuk topologi star (bintang) atau tree (pohon) dengan HUB/switch sebagai pusatnya. Jika sebuah HUB/switch tidak berfungsi, maka seluruh komputer yang terhubung dengan HUB tersebut tidak dapat saling berhubungan.

- Penggunaan Straight Through Cable :
o PC | Hub
o PC | Switch
o Hub | Hub
o Switch | Router

Blekko, Mesin Pencari Baru Saingan Google

Pesaing di dunia mesin pencari kini bertambah satu. Google masih menjadi 'raja'nya dengan menguasai 65 persen di ranah situs pencarian, diikuti dengan Yahoo search, Bing dari Microsoft dan satu lagi Blekko.

Meskipun menjadi pendatang baru di belantara mesin pencari, Blekko yang bermarkas di Silicon Valley, California ini optimistis bisa bersaing dengan sejumlah perusahaan raksasa search engine dengan keunikan tersendiri.

Menurut Rich Skrenta, pendiri sekaligus Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Blekko, daring pencari ini akan menampilkan hasil yang lebih bersih dari spam dan website yang dijamin aman untuk dikunjungi. "Kami akan menyajikan sumber-sumber informasi terbaik bagi pengguna," katanya.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Top 10 Cities to Live in The World

Here’s a list of best cities to live in the world. Living in a good environment can be one of the reason people can enjoy life and have a longer age. These cities have very good living environment and based on the recent survey from The Economist’s become the best cities to live (most liveable) in the world. Maybe you should consider to ask moving services company to start moving your belonging to one of these cities so you can start living in the best cities to live in the world
Maybe you wondering about the criteria of choosing these cities, here’s the criteria of choosing these cities
1. Availability of basic community needs (building, water supply, electricity, etc.)
2. Availability of public facilities (parks, sidewalks, houses of worship, etc.)
3. Availability of facilities to support the economic sector, social, political, and cultural
4. Availability of space and place to interact and develop
5. Comfort, safety, physical beauty, as well as the progress of development and environment-friendly technology
10. Auckland, New Zealand
Auckland lies between the Hauraki Gulf of the Pacific Ocean to the east, the low Hunua Ranges to the south-east, the Manukau Harbour to the south-west, and the Waitakere Ranges and smaller ranges to the west and north-west. The central part of the urban area occupies a narrow isthmus between the Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea and the Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the few cities in the world to have harbours on two separate major bodies of water.
best city to live in the world Auckland
9. Adelaide, Australia

Adelaide is the capital and most populous city of the Australian state of South Australia, and is the fifth-largest city in Australia, with a population of more than 1.28 million. It is a coastal city situated on the eastern shores of Gulf St Vincent, on the Adelaide Plains, north of the Fleurieu Peninsula, between Gulf St Vincent and the low-lying Mount Lofty Ranges. The suburbs reach roughly 20 km (12 mi) from the coast to the foothills but sprawl 100 km (62 mi) from Gawler at its northern extent to Sellicks Beach in the south. Today, Adelaide is noted for its many festivals and sporting events, its food, wine and culture, its long beachfronts, and its large defence and manufacturing sectors.
best city to live in the world Adelaide
8. Perth, Australia
Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia. With a population of 1,659,000 (2009), Perth ranks fourth amongst the nation’s cities, with a growth rate consistently above the national average.
The metropolitan area is located in the south-west of the continent between the Indian Ocean and a low coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. The central business district and suburbs of Perth are situated on the Swan River. Perth is tied for ninth place in The Economist’s 2010 list of the World’s Most Livable Cities.
Perth became known worldwide as the “City of Lights” as city residents lit their house lights and streetlights as American astronaut John Glenn passed overhead while orbiting the earth on Friendship 7 in 1962. The city repeated its feat as Glenn passed overhead on the Space Shuttle in 1998.

Jumat, 05 November 2010

Salah Ketik Alamat Situs Bisa Berujung Penipuan

Berhati-hatilah ketika Anda mengetik halaman seperti Twitter, Facebook dan YouTube, karena kini muncul penipuan dengan domain internet mirip dengan situs yang populer (Typosquatting). 

Jaringan Komputer



Jaringan adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputersoftware dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama. Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah:
Agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang sama, setiap bagian dari jaringan komputer meminta dan memberikan layanan (service). Pihak yang meminta/menerima layanan disebut klien (client) dan yang memberikan/mengirim layanan disebut pelayan (server). Arsitektur ini disebut dengan sistem client-server, dan digunakan pada hampir seluruh aplikasi jaringan komputer.


Berdasarkan skala :
  • Local Area Network (LAN): suatu jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan suatu komputer dengan komputer lain dengan jarak yang terbatas.
  • Metropolitant Area Network (MAN): prinsip sama dengan LAN, hanya saja jaraknya lebih luas, yaitu 10-50 km.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN): jaraknya antar kotanegara, dan benua. ini sama dengan internet.
Berdasarkan fungsi : Pada dasarnya setiap jaringan komputer ada yang berfungsi sebagai client dan juga server. Tetapi ada jaringan yang memiliki komputer yang khusus didedikasikan sebagai server sedangkan yang lain sebagai client. Ada juga yang tidak memiliki komputer yang khusus berfungsi sebagai server saja. Karena itu berdasarkan fungsinya maka ada dua jenis jaringan komputer:
  • Client-server
    Yaitu jaringan komputer dengan komputer yang didedikasikan khusus sebagai server. Sebuah service/layanan bisa diberikan oleh sebuah komputer atau lebih. Contohnya adalah sebuah domain seperti yang dilayani oleh banyak komputer web server. Atau bisa juga banyak service/layanan yang diberikan oleh satu komputer. Contohnya adalah server yang merupakan satu komputer dengan multi service yaitu mail server, web server, file server, database server dan lainnya.

  • Peer-to-peer
    Yaitu jaringan komputer dimana setiap host dapat menjadi server dan juga menjadi client secara bersamaan. Contohnya dalam file sharing antar komputer di Jaringan Windows Network Neighbourhood ada 5 komputer (kita beri nama A,B,C,D dan E) yang memberi hak akses terhadap file yang dimilikinya. Pada satu saat A mengakses file share dari B bernama data_nilai.xls dan juga memberi akses file soal_uas.doc kepada C. Saat A mengakses file dari B maka A berfungsi sebagai client dan saat A memberi akses file kepada C maka A berfungsi sebagai server. Kedua fungsi itu dilakukan oleh A secara bersamaan maka jaringan seperti ini dinamakan peer to peer.

Facts About Whales

Top Whale Facts

facts about whales

Humpback Whale Breaching.

Photo courtesy of NOAA. Photo by Stan Butler
There is certainly plenty of fascinating aspects about whales to be aware of. You may be surprised at some of the characteristics as well as behaviors of these delightful mammals.

1. Whales need to breathe air
You likely already know that whales breathe by taking in air though their blowhole.

2. Whales can’t sleep for very long?
This is because they have to remember to go to the surface for air as needed.

3. Whales' brain sleep one half at the time
In order to make sure that whales perform the basic functions to breathe, only one half of their brain will sleep at a time. This is the only way that they are able to get the amount of rest that they need and still take care of this function that is necessary for their bodies to survive.

World's 10 Most Expensive Coffee

Coffee is one of the most favorite drink all over the world. Enjoying most expensive coffee is one of the traditions of the rich. They usually drink on a Personalized cups rather than usual cup. I guess It’s for a symbol of their wealthy. So do you want to take a look at the most expensive coffee in the world you can enjoy? Let’s take a look together

10. Coffee Yauco Selecto AA, Puerto Rico: $24 per pound

Coming from Yauco area in Puerto Rico, This coffee is known for its excellence taste around the world. The Coffee is Produced in the Southwestern Mountains of Puerto Rico, the coffee is appreciated for its mild flavor. You can enjoy this coffee for a price of : $ 24 per pound.
most expensive coffee Yauco Selecto AA
Yauco Selecto AA
9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon, Gatare/Karengera, Rwanda: $24 per pound

Starbucks found coffee bean in Gatare and Karengera from their visit to a coffee washing station in Rwanda in 2004. Now, The farmers there mainly plant Rwanda Blue Bourboncoffee beans as main crops. You can enjoy this coffee at a price of: $ 24 per pound. Maybe you can enjoy this coffee on your Personalized Stadium Cups. Isn’t it a good way to enjoy this expensive coffee?
most expensive coffee Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon Coffee
Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon Coffee
8. Hawaiian Kona Coffee: $34 per pound

Kona Coffee is a market name of the coffee that come from Kona Districts. The coffee is cultivated on the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa in the South and North districts of the Big Island in Hawaii. This coffee is one of the most wanted and most expensive coffee in the world.
most expensive coffee Hawaiian Kona Coffee
Hawaiian Kona Coffee

Homemade Anti-Acne Face Mask

author: Emily Cordz
Acne is never fun. One great way to combat acne is with face masks. Store bought face masks can be expensive and full of artificial chemicals and preservatives that you don’t want absorbing into your skin. So what’s a person to do? Create your own homemade acne face masks! Many recipes are simple and use things you already have in your kitchen. Below are some basic recipes to get you started, but then feel free to create your own combination, experiment with different proportions and ingredients until you find your perfect anti-acne elixir.

Clay Based Acne Mask

Clay has been used for thousands of years to keep skin looking beautiful. The rich minerals content nourishes, detoxifies, and tones your skin. While the fine texture of the clay gently exfoliates your skin. As it pampers your skin, it draws out toxins and excess oils that are responsible for blemishes. This is the most basic clay recipe for treating acne. Feel free to spice it up with other ingredients once you know how it works on its own.
You’ll need:
  • French Green Clay (this can be found at most natural food stores)
  • Yogurt, or something to provide moisture
Mix a good dollop of yogurt and two or three big spoonfuls of clay. When it is thoroughly mixed, smooth over your freshly washed faced and leave for 10 to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.

Egg Based Acne Mask

Egg has played a prominent role in homemade masks for acne for several years. It reduced the appearance of black heads and pores by tightening and cleansing the skin. It also has a gentle exfoliating effect while reducing the appearance of redness and inflammation. Some recipes call for the whole egg, others just the yolk or white. The recipe below calls for the whole egg, but you can test to see if you prefer using just part of the egg as well.
You’ll need:
  • One egg
Beat the egg until slightly frothy. Take a cotton pad, paint brush or your fingers and paint the concoction on your freshly washed face. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water and pat dry.

Fruit Based Acne Mask


Fruit based face masks are great at combating acne. You use the fruit as a puree which can be used alone or with a combination of other ingredients. One popular anti-acne face mask is made with banana puree. Banana clears pore and balances oily skin.
You’ll need:
  • One ripe banana
  • Honey
Mash the banana in a bowl with a fork, or blend in a blender until relatively smooth. Mix in a bit of honey and apply on your freshly washed face. Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.

Other Ingredients

The major benefit is homemade acne face masks is that you are able to create a face mask to suit your particular skin care needs. Some acne fighting face masks work great for one person, but cause another person to break out more. Below are some common face mask ingredients that you might want to mix into the above recipes, or use to create your own recipe.
Blueberry puree

  • High in anti-oxidants, blueberry is wonderful at healing and soothing skin

  • Honey is antibacterial, moisturizing and gently exfoliating. It can be added to any face mask recipe and is great for all skin types.

  • Ground oatmeal absorbs excess oils and is gently exfoliating
Tea Tree Oil

  • Fights bacteria in acne and balances skin tone
Strawberry puree

  • Strawberries naturally contain salicylic acid which is used in most acne treatments. It stops dead skin cells from clogging pores.

  • The acid in citrus kills infection and dries out pimples. It also lightens acne scars

  • Good for all skin types as it moisturizes and soothes skin
Cucumber puree

  • Excellent for oily skin by balancing oil production

Additional Tips

When fighting acne don’t deprive your skin of moisture. Moisturizing with a light or non-comedogenic, won’t clog pores, product will help keep your skin healthy and acne free. After your face mask treatment apply a bit of alcohol-free rosewater with witch hazel or a very small amount of almond oil.
Open your pores before applying your face mask for deeper pore cleansing. You can do this with either a warm wash cloth draped over your face or steaming your face over a bowl of hot water. After you have washed off your face mask, close your pores by splashing cold water on your face.
Often a few days after a mask treatment, you’ll notice more breakouts. Never fear. Often face masks will cause an increase in breakouts for a few days as it clears the impurities out of your skin. If you are still seeing an increase in break outs after a week or so, try a different recipe.
Then next time acne is threatening, don’t worry. Just head to your kitchen and whip up an acne face mask.

This article on how to make an acne face mask at home has been written by expert author ‘Emily Cordz‘.

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Can Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight?

Lemons are well known for their cleansing and clarifying properties and can also help restore PH balance when your body is overly acid. However, lemon juice also has a variety of uses for beauty too.
Lemon juice is naturally rich with fruit acids and natural sugars. Not only does it remove dead skin cells but it also bleaches darkened or discolored areas. Lemons also contain a high amount of Vitamin C. Lemon juice is a natural antioxidant which helps stimulate collagen production in your skin.
From your head to your toes, this juice provides many beauty benefits. Here are a few beauty tips using lemon juice to help you look great!

Beauty Tips Using Lemon Juice

Healthy Nails - Soak your fingernails (or toenails) in lemon juice for 10 minutes. Then brush your nails them with a tooth brush or nail brush using a mixture of 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 warm water and then rinse with warm water. This treatment helps your fingernails stay strong and bright! You may be surprised at how shiny and amazing your fingernails look!
Remove Blackheads - Rub lemon juice over the areas that contain blackheads right before you go to bed. Rinse your face with cool water when you wake up. Repeat this every night until blackheads are dissolved and gone. (The citric acid helps naturally dissolve the oils that form blackheads in your skin!)
Brighten Skin - Use fresh lemon juice on any area of your body, including your face, to brighten up and soften your skin. Simply rub a fresh lemon on this area before you go to bed. Rinse in the morning. You can also add 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice to your bath water and soak for 20 minutes for an all over treatment.
Condition Hair - Dull, damaged hair will benefit from lemon juice! Combine 3/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup raw honey, and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Set aside. After shampooing your hair, towel dry your hair and work the lemon juice mixture in your hair by combing it evenly throughout your hair. Then cover hair with a plastic cap for a 1/2 hour. Shampoo and rinse your hair as usual. Find more home remedies for dry hair.
Bleach Hair - The all natural alternative to bleach is to use the juice from 1/2 - 1 lemon into your hair. Squeeze it directly into your hair. (Don't worry if you get some seeds in your hair. You'll rinse those out later!) Sit in the sun for 25 minutes. Shampoo and condition as usual. If your hair is light colored, you will see more blonde highlights. If you have darker hair, you will notice some nice red tones.
Dry Skin – You can use lemons to help with your dry skin! Simply make a mask by mixing equal amounts of honey, lemon and vegetable/canola/olive oil. Apply to dry areas and allow it to dry thoroughly. (about 10 minutes) Rinse with warm water. This mixture is a good moisturizer for dry skin or dry skin patches.

Oily Skin Toner - Combine 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons vodka, 1 tablespoon distilled water, and 1 teaspoon witch hazel. Apply with cotton balls to your skin, then rinse. This mixture will keep in the refrigerator for a week and can really help your oily skin woes!
Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells - Rub a cut lemon dipped into a half-teaspoon of sugar over your face for a few minutes. Do this every night to help remove accumulated dead skin cells and refresh your skin.
Dandruff Treatment - Mix a few tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with 1/2 cup of olive oil. Rub it gently onto your scalp. Allow to remain for 15 minutes, then rinse, shampoo, and condition as usual.
Breath Freshener - Use lemon juice to freshen your breath. Lemon has been used for years (mostly mixed with water to make lemon water), as a natural breath mint. The acidity in lemons, (although alkalizing), helps destroy bacteria in your mouth that gives you bad breath. Drink lemon water during the day, to freshen up your breath anytime!
Body Purifier - Lemon water is also a great detoxifier for your body. Find out more about the benefits of lemon water. There is only one word of caution. When ordering lemon water at a restaurant, be sure to check the health 'grade' of the restaurant you're eating in. Various types of bacteria were found on a lot of the lemon slices served in a variety of restaurants recently. That's not a good thing! Don't order lemon water in any restaurant with a sanitation grade less than '90'.

Using these lemon juice beauty tips can really save you money on products you may have purchased. Lemons are highly beneficial and are a natural way to enhance your inner beauty!

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Morning Jogging Tips for Beginners

Author: Deneice Arthurton | Posted in Excercise

Morning Jogging Tips for Beginners
For many people, early morning jogging is an essential part of their daily routine. They claim that it helps them prepare physically, mentally and emotionally for the day ahead. A well-planned jogging weekly routine will greatly improve your cardiovascular fitness and have many knock on health benefits. It is of course completely free, saving on costly gym fees and has just as much if not more benefit. Here are a few jogging tips to help get you started.

Starting Out – Morning Jogging Tips for Beginners

Many people never begin jogging because they can’t run any further than the end of the road and back. It doesn’t matter. Any exercise is better than no exercise and your stamina and running ability will gradually increase over a period of weeks if you jog a few times a week.
Before you go for an early morning jog you will need to ensure your body is fueled. A heavy breakfast is not a good idea but something light and instant like a banana or cereal bar will be okay. Drink a little water but not so much that you feel it sloshing inside you as you run. Avoid coffee and energy drinks that may actually deplete your energy reserves.

Warming Up Exercises Before Jogging

The body needs to be ‘warmed up’ to prepare it for exercise. Anything that gets the blood pumping around the body and dispensing heat and oxygen to the muscles and organs is good. You can achieve this by performing some warm up exercises before jogging. Running or jumping on the spot will do this. A few light stretches are also a good idea especially if the weather outside is a bit cooler. When stretching, approach it gently and hold any stretches for a few seconds. Never bounce into stretches – this is more likely to injure muscles.
Wear adequate clothing. When you are starting out you won’t be running very far and exposed body parts will make you more injury prone.

How to Control Your Breathing When Jogging?

You will find yourself getting out of breath very quickly when you first start to jog. To maximize your body’s intake of oxygen ensure your back is straight and you are not hunched over at all. Be aware of lifting your chest as you breathe in which will help keep your spine aligned.
Many joggers recommend breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth for maximum efficiency.
Keep your head looking straight forward and your jaw and shoulders as relaxed as possible. Tensing up will use up energy.
Try and keep your breathing regular for maximum oxygen distribution and ensure you breath out fully to avoid carbon dioxide build up in your body. This is how you can effectively control your breathing while jogging.

How to Improve Stamina for Jogging

As mentioned before when you first start to jog you will not be able to run very far. Set yourself a time of say 10 minutes and run steadily for as long as you can. This may be less than a minute initially. Then walk until your breath returns to an even controlled rate and then start running again and so on until your 10 minutes is up. Don’t stop and rest between the jogging. Carry on walking as this keeps the body warm and the mind properly prepared.
Gradually aim to increase the amount of time you are running and decrease the amount of time you are walking. Be patient. This may take several weeks.
Once you can run for the whole of the 10 minutes without reverting to walking, increase the time and repeat the running and walking pattern again.
Don’t push yourself too far initially as this will be counter-productive both from a physical and motivational point of view. When you get out of breath revert to walking before the point where you are gasping for breath. Eventually this will improve your stamina for jogging.

The Best Footwear and Sneakers for Jogging

What shoes to wear when you go to jog? If you are running on roads there is quite a large amount of repetitive impact on your back, hips, knees and ankles. It is important that you choose footwear that offers you a level of protection through shock absorption and support.
How you run and how your foot is placed during this action will dictate the best type of footwear.
Good retailers of running shoes will be able to advise you and analyse your running gait through wear on existing sneakers. Sometimes these types of stores have treadmills so that assistants can watch how you run before recommending the best footwear.
Ironically, too much cushioning can actually place greater stress on ankles and knees as the running platform is too unstable and allows too much movement inside the footwear.

Key Points to Remember

  • very light food intake before jogging plus drink some water
  • warm up and light stretches
  • adequate clothing
  • relaxed shoulders, spine straight, regular breathing
  • run, walk, run, walk over a timed period
  • ensure footwear is adequate
Studies have shown that morning jogging for 20 to 60 minutes a day for three to five days a week will have significant health benefits. Be kind to yourself when you start out and allow a gradual build up. Be patient. It may take a few weeks to be able to progress but once you do you will find that this continues quite rapidly.
Article by expert author Deneice Arthurton

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